Meillä on maahantuotavien panimoiden määrä moninkertaistumassa 2022! Luvassa on erittäin mielenkiintoinen portfolio, laadukkaita, tuoreita pienpanimo oluita!
Tällä hetkellä jakelussamme löytyy:
Helsinborg, Ruotsi.
Brewski is a high quality craftbeer brewery with a strong personality and a humble attitude. At Brewski we love fruit and berries in our beers and we only brew with the best natural ingredients. Since our start June 2014, creativity and innovation have been the focus of the brewery. And today, almost 8 years later, it still is.
Helsinborg, Ruotsi.
In 2016, Friends Company Brewing was founded in Helsingborg Sweden by bunch of friends with a simple mission: To create beers full of flavour for people to enjoy in friends company. We strive to do this by exploring new horizons and constantly improve ourselves and the beer we make. Cheers!